Pamela DelCiampo
@Conning Inc.
Latest period2024 - Q3ReportedManaged Assets$3.028BTotal holdings354
Assets growth rate9.02%Assets growth rate (2-Q avg)0.03%Continuous growth in asset value1 quarters
Portfolio positions
This chart displays the top 10 holdings in Conning Inc.'s 2024 - Q3 portfolio, based on their 13F SEC filing, out of a total of 354 positions.
Assets under management
The assets under management (AUM) of Conning Inc. over the past 10 years (40 quarters) show continuous growth in total asset value over the last 1 quarters. As of the latest 13F SEC filing for 2024 - Q3, they manage 3.028B in assets, with a quarterly growth rate of 9.02% and a 2-quarter average growth rate of 0.03%. The portfolio is managed by Pamela DelCiampo, and others.
Portfolio holdings
Investment | Portfolio % | Reported Value | Recent Activity |
BMYBristol-myers Squibb Co
| 1.31% | $39.381M 761,123 shares@ $51.74 avg price | Decreased -10.98% |
PGProcter And Gamble Co
| 1.31% | $39.361M 227,260 shares@ $173.2 avg price | Decreased -1% |
AMPAmeriprise Finl Inc
| 1.3% | $39.333M 83,722 shares@ $469.82 avg price | Increased 2.97% |
ADIAnalog Devices Inc
| 1.3% | $39.269M 170,609 shares@ $230.18 avg price | Increased 10.92% |
BKBank New York Mellon Corp
| 1.3% | $39.204M 545,560 shares@ $71.87 avg price | Decreased -7.74% |
MSMorgan Stanley
| 1.3% | $39.159M 375,659 shares@ $104.24 avg price | Increased 2.84% |
TXNTexas Instrs Inc
| 1.29% | $39.022M 188,906 shares@ $206.57 avg price | Increased 1% |
OMCOmnicom Group Inc
| 1.29% | $38.977M 376,991 shares@ $103.39 avg price | Increased 3.94% |
DOWDow Inc
| 1.29% | $38.974M 713,411 shares@ $54.64 avg price | Increased 14.79% |
KOCoca Cola Co
| 1.28% | $38.704M 538,606 shares@ $71.86 avg price | Decreased -7.3% |