John Fortier III
@St Germain D J Co Inc
Latest period2024 - Q4ReportedManaged Assets$2.2BTotal holdings837
Assets growth rate1.11%Assets growth rate (2-Q avg)3.21%Continuous growth in asset value5 quarters
Portfolio positions
This chart displays the top 10 holdings in St Germain D J Co Inc's 2024 - Q4 portfolio, based on their 13F SEC filing, out of a total of 837 positions.
Assets under management
The assets under management (AUM) of St Germain D J Co Inc over the past 10 years (40 quarters) show continuous growth in total asset value over the last 5 quarters. As of the latest 13F SEC filing for 2024 - Q4, they manage 2.2B in assets, with a quarterly growth rate of 1.11% and a 2-quarter average growth rate of 3.21%. The portfolio is managed by John Fortier III, and others.
Portfolio holdings
Investment | Portfolio % | Reported Value | Recent Activity |
SPMDSpdr Portfolio S&p 400 Mid Cap Etf
| 0.82% | $17.926M 327,780 shares@ $54.69 avg price | Increased 4.01% |
CGBLCapital Group Core Balanced Etf
| 0.82% | $17.923M 573,172 shares@ $31.27 avg price | Increased 22.31% |
GISGeneral Mls Inc Com
| 0.78% | $17.074M 267,737 shares@ $63.78 avg price | Increased 1.61% |
WMTWalmart Inc
| 0.76% | $16.559M 183,276 shares@ $90.36 avg price | Increased 1.33% |
BXBlackstone Inc
| 0.72% | $15.737M 91,274 shares@ $172.42 avg price | Increased 1.34% |
QCOMQualcomm Inc Com
| 0.71% | $15.548M 101,211 shares@ $153.63 avg price | Decreased -0.91% |
GOOGAlphabet Inc Cap Stk Cl C
| 0.71% | $15.449M 81,123 shares@ $190.44 avg price | Decreased -0.55% |
IJRIshares S&p Small-cap Fund
| 0.66% | $14.498M 125,829 shares@ $115.22 avg price | Increased 2.36% |
FAFFirst Amern Finl Corp Com
| 0.66% | $14.488M 232,034 shares@ $62.45 avg price | Increased 1.66% |
USIGIshares Broad Usd Investment Grade Corporate Bond Etf
| 0.64% | $13.898M 276,403 shares@ $50.29 avg price | Increased 19.13% |