Omar Aguilar
@Charles Schwab Investment Management Inc
Latest period2024 - Q3ReportedManaged Assets$523.952BTotal holdings3501
Assets growth rate-0.17%Assets growth rate (2-Q avg)10.5%Continuous growth in asset value0 quarters
Portfolio positions
This chart displays the top 10 holdings in Charles Schwab Investment Management Inc's 2024 - Q3 portfolio, based on their 13F SEC filing, out of a total of 3501 positions.
Assets under management
The assets under management (AUM) of Charles Schwab Investment Management Inc over the past 10 years (40 quarters) show continuous growth in total asset value over the last 0 quarters. As of the latest 13F SEC filing for 2024 - Q3, they manage 523.952B in assets, with a quarterly growth rate of -0.17% and a 2-quarter average growth rate of 10.5%. The portfolio is managed by Omar Aguilar, and others.
Portfolio holdings
Investment | Portfolio % | Reported Value | Recent Activity |
COSTCostco Whsl Corp New
| 0.48% | $2.49B 2.808M shares@ $886.53 avg price | Increased 1.16% |
MAMastercard Incorporated
| 0.48% | $2.474B 5.01M shares@ $493.81 avg price | Increased 2.05% |
USBUs Bancorp Del
| 0.42% | $2.164B 47.329M shares@ $45.73 avg price | Increased 3.95% |
EOGEog Res Inc
| 0.41% | $2.14B 17.411M shares@ $122.93 avg price | Increased 0.44% |
MRKMerck & Co Inc
| 0.41% | $2.136B 18.807M shares@ $113.57 avg price | Increased 2.82% |
ORCLOracle Corp
| 0.4% | $2.072B 12.164M shares@ $170.36 avg price | Increased 0.13% |
NFLXNetflix Inc
| 0.35% | $1.829B 2.579M shares@ $709.27 avg price | Increased 1.17% |
ACNAccenture Plc Ireland
| 0.33% | $1.705B 4.824M shares@ $353.48 avg price | Increased 1.2% |
MCDMcdonalds Corp
| 0.33% | $1.694B 5.564M shares@ $304.51 avg price | Increased 0.9% |
CRMSalesforce Inc
| 0.31% | $1.618B 5.913M shares@ $273.71 avg price | Increased 1.66% |