Massimo Ceschia
@Scotia Capital Inc.
Latest period2024 - Q3ReportedManaged Assets$18.681BTotal holdings834
Assets growth rate9.41%Assets growth rate (2-Q avg)5.51%Continuous growth in asset value4 quarters
Portfolio positions
This chart displays the top 10 holdings in Scotia Capital Inc.'s 2024 - Q3 portfolio, based on their 13F SEC filing, out of a total of 834 positions.
Assets under management
The assets under management (AUM) of Scotia Capital Inc. over the past 10 years (40 quarters) show continuous growth in total asset value over the last 4 quarters. As of the latest 13F SEC filing for 2024 - Q3, they manage 18.681B in assets, with a quarterly growth rate of 9.41% and a 2-quarter average growth rate of 5.51%. The portfolio is managed by Massimo Ceschia, and others.
Portfolio holdings
Investment | Portfolio % | Reported Value | Recent Activity |
BNBrookfield Corp
| 1.9% | $354.312M 6.698M shares@ $52.9 avg price | Decreased -0.75% |
NVDANvidia Corporation
| 1.8% | $334.726M 2.756M shares@ $121.45 avg price | Increased 3.39% |
MFCManulife Finl Corp
| 1.79% | $334.106M 11.324M shares@ $29.51 avg price | Decreased -1.4% |
COSTCostco Whsl Corp New
| 1.77% | $329.332M 371,483 shares@ $886.54 avg price | Decreased -0.14% |
GOOGLAlphabet Inc
| 1.76% | $328.496M 1.981M shares@ $165.86 avg price | Increased 2.36% |
TUTelus Corporation
| 1.74% | $324.888M 19.381M shares@ $16.77 avg price | Increased 1.53% |
CNICanadian Natl Ry Co
| 1.68% | $312.517M 2.692M shares@ $116.11 avg price | Increased 5.25% |
BMOBank Montreal Que
| 1.67% | $310.36M 3.443M shares@ $90.14 avg price | Increased 0.69% |
JPMJpmorgan Chase & Co.
| 1.59% | $296.613M 1.407M shares@ $210.87 avg price | Increased 2.05% |
BCEBce Inc
| 1.55% | $289.28M 8.322M shares@ $34.77 avg price | Decreased -2.44% |