Nicole Alexander
@Gradient Investments Llc
Latest period2024 - Q3ReportedManaged Assets$4.799BTotal holdings299
Assets growth rate7.77%Assets growth rate (2-Q avg)5.52%Continuous growth in asset value4 quarters
Portfolio positions
This chart displays the top 10 holdings in Gradient Investments Llc's 2024 - Q3 portfolio, based on their 13F SEC filing, out of a total of 299 positions.
Assets under management
The assets under management (AUM) of Gradient Investments Llc over the past 10 years (40 quarters) show continuous growth in total asset value over the last 4 quarters. As of the latest 13F SEC filing for 2024 - Q3, they manage 4.799B in assets, with a quarterly growth rate of 7.77% and a 2-quarter average growth rate of 5.52%. The portfolio is managed by Nicole Alexander, and others.
Portfolio holdings
Investment | Portfolio % | Reported Value | Recent Activity |
LOWLowes Cos Inc
| 0.54% | $25.835M 95,387 shares@ $270.85 avg price | Increased 11.75% |
BACBank America Corp
| 0.54% | $25.675M 647,058 shares@ $39.69 avg price | Decreased -18.96% |
SLBSchlumberger Ltd
| 0.53% | $25.009M 596,155 shares@ $41.96 avg price | Increased 58.4% |
URIUnited Rentals Inc
| 0.49% | $23.064M 28,484 shares@ $809.73 avg price | Increased 13.44% |
SPTISpdr Ser Tr
| 0.47% | $22.378M 770,067 shares@ $29.07 avg price | Increased 0.72% |
PANWPalo Alto Networks Inc
| 0.46% | $22.061M 64,543 shares@ $341.81 avg price | Decreased -20.06% |
AMDAdvanced Micro Devices Inc
| 0.45% | $21.36M 130,183 shares@ $164.09 avg price | Decreased -12.76% |
| 0.45% | $21.264M 201,972 shares@ $105.28 avg price | Increased 15.5% |
IJANInnovator Etfs Trust
| 0.45% | $21.226M 643,700 shares@ $32.98 avg price | Increased 1.06% |
COSTCostco Whsl Corp New
| 0.44% | $20.977M 23,662 shares@ $886.53 avg price | Decreased -10.99% |